A program for transgender and gender-expansive youth and their families.
No child should have to fit into antiquated gender roles to feel safe and welcomed, loved and affirmed. RAD Family, North Jersey Pride’s social network for families of transgender and gender-expansive youth, offers young people an affirming space for self-expression and empowers them to take their place in the world—exactly as they are. By connecting youth and their caregivers with other RAD families, both can find community as these young people navigate growing into their authentic selves.
What began as a playdate with just a few families in 2015 has since grown exponentially, with families coming from all over North Jersey, including Essex, Sussex, Bergen, Middlesex and Hudson counties. We now hold regular monthly meetings for RAD Kids (generally 12 and under) and RAD Teens, (generally 13-17) and their parents/guardians. RAD Kids enjoy supervised play with similar children, teens enjoy snacks and chat with a young adult facilitator, while the caregivers gather separately to talk and share experiences and resources. We also have social outings at venues around New Jersey, and facilitated meetings for parents with expert speakers in gender expression and identity.
If you and your child are interested in attending, or have other questions, please email us at radkids(at)northjerseypride.org for specific meeting details. We look forward to seeing you!
More Resources:
The Gender Family Project https://www.ackerman.org/gfp/
Gender Spectrum https://www.genderspectrum.org/youth/
Gender Diverse & Transgender Children https://www.healthychildren.org/
National Center for Transgender Equality https://transequality.org/
Trans Youth Project: http://www.transyouthequality.org/
Garden State Equality https://www.gardenstateequality.org
GLSEN: https://www.glsen.org/
The Trevor Project https://www.thetrevorproject.org/